Academic Qualifications:

Master in Guidance and Counselling - 2010


UK Accredited Professional Member, National Counselling Society (NCS21-00863) - 2021

Certified Counsellor, Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (M671) - 2016


Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP) Intensive Training Course - 2023

Guided Imagery, University of Minnesota - 2021

Diploma in Clinical Logotherapy, Victor Frankl Institute of Ireland - 2021

Narrative Ways of Working with Groups and Communities, Dulwich Centre - 2008

Associate Trainer in Identity MappingTM and The Four Ways SystemTM, Personality Resources International (Canada) - 2007

About me

I am an Accredited Professional Counsellor with the NCPS. I see myself as a Person-Centred and an Integrative Counsellor. I have worked with Individuals, couples and families.

There are a few theories that underpin my practice, namely, Client-centered Therapy,  Trauma-informed Therapy, Positive Psychotherapy, Guided Imagery Therapy (GIT), and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT).  The reasons for choosing those theories are because most of my clients are depressed, who experienced traumas and panic attacks, some with very low self-esteem, and others struggled their relationships with their family members.  Throughout my experience, I have found that Client-centered Therapy as a foundation in helping me to build rapport and promotes a safe space for my clients to experience a sense of unconditional positive regard, openness and acceptance.

My experience includes working and healing with those who are depressed or have anxiety issues that are a result of relationship difficulties, work related stress, bereavement, sexual abuse, childhood traumas, post-traumatic stress, cancer and other health related issues. 

My recent practice has a trauma informed element when needed. I work with Guided Imagery to help my clients to gain insights of why they may be triggered in the now which might limit them. I support clients to rebuild themselves with a new frame of reference.  So by the end of the treatment cycle, my clients can be more empowered with a strengthened sense of self-worth.

本人來了英國兩年半,有超過12年經驗。這兩年中主要在英國幫兩間機構,蒙主恩寵見證200多位不同種族的英國居民走出憂鬱之谷。我特別專長於抑鬱同焦慮症,尤其係創傷後遺症,有需要時我會融入信仰幅度 ~ 希望可以幫到更多香港人,歡迎查詢。