Academic Qualifications:

Master in Guidance and Counselling - 2010


UK Accredited Professional Member, National Counselling Society (NCS21-00863) - 2021

Certified Counsellor, Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (M671) - 2016


Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP) Intensive Training Course - 2023

Guided Imagery, University of Minnesota - 2021

Diploma in Clinical Logotherapy, Victor Frankl Institute of Ireland - 2021

Narrative Ways of Working with Groups and Communities, Dulwich Centre - 2008

Associate Trainer in Identity MappingTM and The Four Ways SystemTM, Personality Resources International (Canada) - 2007

About me

I am an Accredited Professional Counsellor with the NCPS. I see myself as a Person-Centred and an Integrative Counsellor. I have worked with Individuals, couples and families who are depressed, and those who experienced traumas and panic attacks, some with very low self-esteem, while others struggled their relationships with their family members.

There are a few theories that underpin my practice, namely, Person-centered Therapy,  Trauma-informed Therapy, Positive Psychotherapy, Guided Imagery Therapy (GIT), and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT).  

Throughout my experience, I have found that Client-centered Therapy as a foundation in helping me to build rapport and promotes a safe space for my clients to experience a sense of unconditional positive regard, openness and acceptance.

My experience includes working and healing with those who are depressed or have anxiety issues that are a result of relationship difficulties, work related stress, bereavement, sexual abuse, childhood traumas, post-traumatic stress, cancer and other health related issues. 

My recent practice has a trauma informed element when needed. I work with Guided Imagery to help my clients to gain insights of why they may be triggered in the now which might limit them. I support clients to rebuild themselves with a new frame of reference.  So by the end of the treatment cycle, my clients can be more empowered with a strengthened sense of self-worth.

本人來了英國兩年半,有超過12年經驗。這兩年中主要在英國幫兩間機構,蒙主恩寵見證200多位不同種族的英國居民走出憂鬱之谷。我特別專長於抑鬱同焦慮症,尤其係創傷後遺症,有需要時我會融入信仰幅度 ~ 希望可以幫到更多香港人,歡迎查詢。